A Vision of Positive Change for a Safer and More Secure America
In the wake of the unfortunate and distorted June 23, 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision in the case of New York RIfle & Pistol Association v Bruen, there is now an even more urgent need for a sustained non-partisan national discussion on how best to bring the 233-year old Second Amendment into line with 21st century American values and realities.
Sadly, the time to start was years ago, before the Supreme Court’s incredible and jurisprudence defying decision in Bruen and the earlier (2008) SCOTUS ruling in District of Columbia v Heller gravely set back the cause of firearm safety and responsible gun ownership by selectively dismissing the Amendment text with the exception of “shall not be infringed”. That decision now greatly increases the prevalence of legal concealed firearms within society, with mounting daily incidents of violence, woundings and loss of innocent lives sure to result.
These misguided and contrived SCOTUS rulings will only reinforce and complement the political moves in individual states to allow greater public access to firearms, while creating chaos in the lower courts. Stay alert, America, we all face an increase in serious risks to general public safety and to law enforcement.
The way forward is to work together to bring the Second Amendment and its full 27 word text and meaning into this, the 21st century.