Insightful and nonpartisan analysis by legal scholars, historians and other experts is very important to demonstrating the serious flaws in Second Amendment related Supreme Court rulings and the Justices’ underlying logic and reasoning. 

This page seeks to highlight the most relevant and meaningful of such analyses, with respect in particular to the Heller (2008) and Bruen (2022) SCOTUS decisions, both of which have largely ignored stare decisis and parroted gun lobby position papers of recent years.

Articles by:

Dr. Jake Charles (Duke Law Journal, Vol. 73 - forthcoming), “Dead Hand of a Silent Past: Bruen, Gun Rights, and the Shackles of History

Dr. Eric Ruben and Joseph Blocher (Duke Law Journal, Vol. 57), “From Theory to Doctrine: “Analysis of the right to Keep and Bear Arms after Heller

Dr. Jennifer Tucker (Wesleyan University, Director, Center for the Study of Guns and Society), Now that guns can kill hundreds in minutes, Supreme Court should rethink the rights question